VbScript - Funny :) but Harmful :(

'## robmind@gmail.com ##

'## (i am fresh in vbscipt)
'## First of all, if you work on the Win32 system, you can command as manual with script, such as vbscript or jscript
'## if you use this, you should write this lines in any file, then save as "anyfile.vbs" and run it.
'## for example
'## this file name is "anyfile.vbs"
Set ws = createobject("Wscript.shell")
ws.run "calc"
'## Assigns an object reference to a variable or property, or associates a procedure reference with '## an event

'## Usage:
Set object.eventname = GetRef(procname)

'## For example:
'## if you want to operate a procedure (Notepad or any), you should use this method.

'## this line is required:
'## started to notepad
Set ws = createobject("Wscript.shell")
ws.run "notepad"

'## but, if you become bad (or worsen),
'## why? ws.run only is operated only one time
'## with this parameter
'## it is operated five time
Set ws = createobject("Wscript.shell")
For I = 1 To 5
ws.run "notepad"

'## in endless times, notepad try to work with this method,
'## but, you can occur suddenly you computer
'## not use in your computer, you can be damage, Please!
'## (kendi bilgisayarında bu satırı deneme, lütfen..!)
Set ws = createobject("Wscript.shell")
For I = 1 To 5000
ws.run "notepad"

'## bye...


Anonymous said...

Do not have a VB editor installed with me.

Anonymous said...

You Dont Need A VBS Editor Installed.

You Use Notepad And Save It As
And Then On Windows It Should Run Naturaly In "Microsoft (R) Windows Based Script Host.

.VBS and .BAT Dont Run On MAC