MS Access to SQLite Converter

Last week, i had to finish a simple code. So, i have a mdb access file. And, it must convert to sqite file. I found a code on google. Regenerate it, then i used it. I want to share how to use it.

I use these method to use it,
> first of all, i downloaded sqlite plugin of netbeans from
> secondly, installed into netbeans.
> used it as plugins.

> also, mdb-sqlite libs should be inserted as library into librarymanager.

Then, project properties like this.

Finally, be careful to compile project. Because, it gives mainclassnot found exception error. You choice your main class before compiling process.

If you run project,

D:\MdbSqlite\dist>java -jar "MdbSqlite.jar" test.mdb test.db

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