{ MongoDb } with Windows 7 + Java

Before using MongoDB, you must install MongoDB driver for your operations systems. Such as,
Windows 32-bit (install) Windows 64-bit(install)

You save installed files into "c:\mongodb" then run this command in cmd.
(Note: You must create logs and data directory into c:\mongodb)

C:\mongodb\bin>mongod --bind_ip --logpath c:\mongodb\logs --dbpath c:\mongodb\data --directoryperdb  -port 1001 --install
Also, to start MongoDB you should run "net start MongoDB" in cmd.

So, you look at the services, 

If you will be success, you should open the webpage for looking database database structure.
(Note: if you want to remove the service, you should write into cmd "mongod -remove")
Sample java application (install)

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